Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Blog Is Up

Stay tuned for updates on our lives and ministries in New York, Zambia, and beyond!


Deb Baum said...

Hey Ry,

Did you fix this or is it just that there's a problem at our home computer? I was able to easily post a comment from my work computer. Anyway, I love the orange colored background on your home page and the giraffes. Of course, the picture of you and my sweet Molly is the best! Can't wait to keep in touch with all of your adventures and get to read your wonderful writings from foreign lands once again. I'll miss you both terribly, but having this blog available will certainly help. Thanks for setting me up with a gmail account so I can easily post comments now. I love you guys so much! ~Love, Mom

Unknown said...


I just ran across this article on Zambia, and found it rather intriguing to read about these 'off the map' conservationists... thought y'all might want to be aware of their story as it might come up while you're there.
