Thursday, September 23, 2010

Meet the TEEZ staff

Ms. Edina Mbewe, Director's secretary and first face you see when you enter the TEEZ office. (Esther is sitting at the side, in the green dress).

Ms. Phyllis Chabinga, updates courses, does follow-ups for training programs and sends out reminders.
Ms. Esther Chishala, Registrar, corresponds with Tutors and students. There is always a large stack of mail on her desk.

Mr. Henry Mwengwe, produces training material. (next to Esther above).

Mr. Charles Chalwe, driver extraordinaire.

Mr. Muyunda Simangolwa, Mr. Fix-it, go-to-guy, he does various and many tasks around the office.

Mrs. Gladys Daka, accounting (photo will be forth-coming).

Mr. Knowledge Gondwe, accounting (photo will be forth-coming).

Rev. Kangwa Mabuluki, Director. Oversight of program, works with the board of trustees, fundraises, keeps everything going.

Rev. Ackson Banda, Training officer. In charge of scheduling and carrying out training courses throughout Zambia. We will spend aLOT of time traveling and teaching with Rev. Banda!

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