Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tanzanian Safari!

Here are some photos from our trip to Tanzania over the holiday. These were taken at Lake Manyara National Park (where we saw lots of elephants), and the Ngorongoro Crater (where we saw so many animals, including a rhino--but from so far away it didn't really count because it looked like a grey spot). We also glimpsed Mt. Kilimanjaro on the bus ride back from Arusha to Dar es Salaam.

This little monkey greeted us on the path while we were waiting to pay our entrance fees for Lake Manyara NP. Our guide's cash card wasn't working, then the lady went on her lunch break--so we also took our lunch break while we waited--and this monkey posed alot for us in the meantime.

This was the company we used for our 2-day/1-night camping safari. They were a good budget option. Their slogan says it all: "Almost the best for almost the least."

Molly and Ryan with our best man, Carl, at the top of Ngorongoro Crater.

The vehicle we spent 2 days in. The roof pops up so you can stand up and see out of it.

newborn impala--probably about 30 minutes old.

guinea fowl--my favorite

Lion and lioness--post-coital. This was mating season.

spotted hyena


another wild and dangerous animal

crested crane

fox pups

zebras sparring

two more of my favorites: wildebeast and warthogs! they look so strange!



another view from the top

dik dik.
these are the smallest antelope (a bit bigger than a rabbit), and very rare to see.
Ryan was very excited. I only got this poor photo because it was pooping! No time to get a better one.

the watering hole

Molly holding two giraffe in her hand

the two giraffe. isn't this picturesque?

hippos at the waterhole

don't know the name of these birds at the waterhole.

Cape buffalo

SOOO many elephants at Lake Manyara NP. Carl was very excited.

up-close and personal with another giraffe.

old male giraffe. you can tell bc of his dark spots and his horns are bald and knobby.
males get darker as they age.


Elephants--this baby was so tiny-- our guide guessed about 1 month old!

Baboon piggy-back

aren't baby baboons the cutest?

Mt. Kilimanjaro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Molly, these are amazing! I was just reading about the Ngorongoro Crater last week. Well done, and keep up the adventures!
- Sarah Amandes