Friday, June 24, 2011

June in Eastern Province: Part Three, Katete & Luangwa Boma

Our third and final week of this training trip in June, we traveled back to Luangwa, which is actually part of Lusaka Province.

On the way, we visited Rev. Banda's home village of Katete (between Chipata and Lusaka) and met his mother and sister, and several nieces and nephews. Their family raises pigs and chickens and guinea fowl. His sister us guinea fowl for lunch, which was a first for us. Tastes like chicken!

The village of Katete

Visiting with Rev. Banda's family in front of his mother's home

Esther Phiri Banda, Rev. Banda's mother

Rev. Ackson Banda, his mother Esther, & his sister Dinah Phiri

Rev. Ackson Banda, his mother Esther, & his sister Dinah Phiri

Several of Esther's grandchildren

Rev. Banda had driven us about 8 hours to the site right at the Luangwa Bridge, where he expected the training to be held the next day. Unfortunately, when he phoned his contact to say we'd arrived, we found out the village was still 97 kilometers away on a dirt road! We finally reached Luangwa Boma just after dark Monday night to start a Tutor’s Training the next morning. The village or “boma” of Luangwa is at the confluence of the Zambezi and Luangwa rivers, which makes up the borders with Mozambique and Zimbabwe. This is a great fishing area, and we ate lots of very fresh fish--including Tiger fish, which is quite tasty, but has SO many tiny, forked bones.

The UCZ Church which hosted us was meeting in a shelter made of reed mats, tin roof and a dirt floor (that they had painted red!). The churches in this area had never had a Tutor’s training, and were very enthusiastic. Unfortunately, we caught two unapologetic cheaters during the test, who were thus disqualified. We were all glad to get back to Kitwe, after a long 3 weeks of travel and trainings. (I don't have many photos here because I ran out of camera battery).

Ryan sitting on the painted dirt floors at Luangwa UCZ with the fattest baby we've ever seen

Baobab tree above the Luangwa River. Those mountains are Mozambique.

fish for sale outside our guesthouse

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