Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zimbabwe I-- Harare

We were privileged to join the delegation from Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church (MAPC) as they traveled to Zimbabwe to officially sign a partnership agreement with the Synod of Harare of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP). The partnership has been a long-time coming, as both sides have carefully listened and shared and visited one another back and forth over the past three years.

The Synod of Harare CCAP covers the whole of Zimbabwe and has two Presbyteries: Harare and Gweru. The CCAP is a denomination which started in Malawi, so many of the churches we visited started as migrant churches which speak Chewa, a language from Malawi. The women's guild wears uniforms with black skirts (representing the sin every person carries) and white tops and headscarves (representing being cleansed from all sin through Christ). The men's guild wears black and white sashes reading "CCAP." Choirs and other groups often have brightly colored matching outfits. Ordained pastors are called "Abusa," their wives are called "Amai abusa."

We weren't able to make it for the official partnership ceremony, but we hear it was quite the festive occasion. We arrived in Harare late Saturday evening. Sunday Morning we worshiped in the CCAP Mbare Congregation, Harare.

CCAP Mbare (Harare, Zimbabwe)

Ryan checking out the pulpit at Mbare with the visiting preacher. Abusa Joseph Juma standing down a step on the left.

Each member of the MAPC delegation attended a different congregation in Harare, and preached for them. We, however, didn't preach, since we joined the group at the last minute, and Mbare congregation already had a visiting preacher scheduled. Our host for the weekend, Elder Stella Phiri, is a member of Mbare and has been a delegate from Zimbabwe to New York in the past. She showed us impeccable hospitality. She continued with the group as we traveled throughout the Western part of the country, visiting churches in Gweru Presbytery.

CCAP Synod of Harare office (Harare, Zimbabwe)

Molly with Stella Phiri, in front of her home in Harare.

We also traveled with the current Moderator of the Synod, Abusa Patteson Chirongo and Amai abusa Susan Chirongo, General Secretary Abusa Libias Boloma and Amai abusa Grace Boloma, and Synod Consultant Dr. Lamiel Phiri. The MAPC delegation included Elder Lauren Logan, Elder Jack Hobson, Elder John Carr, Dr. Jeff Miller, Rev. Dr. Fred Anderson, and Rev. Don Wahlig. Plus the Revs Dowell Baum...

Ryan: "Molly, you're both an Abusa and an Amai abusa!"
Molly: "You are too!"
Ryan: "I'm not a wife, though."
Then we discovered there's not an equivalent word for husband.

Saturday evening, Dr. Lamiel Phiri organized an impromptu evening of song and dance, with choirs from around Harare Presbytery. The event was held at Kwadzana Congregation, Harare. It started raining just as we arrived, poured the whole evening and had stopped just as we were leaving. It was a great evening all around! Below there are photos of most of the choirs. Unfortunately we don't have a photo of the Kwadzana Men's Choir or Kwadzana Youth or of us all dancing--which would have been a great shot, but we were busy cutting a rug!

Holy Voices Choir from Kwadzana CCAP

Rugare Mothers Choir (from Rugare CCAP)

Mbare Mothers

Mufakosi Mothers

Kwadzana Mothers

Kwadzana Mothers

Zengeza Mothers

Kwadzana Sunday School

Kwadzana Sunday School

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