We began Holy Week in Lusaka. On Palm Sunday we joined hundreds of people from four downtown congregations in a huge processional from the Supreme Court lawn through the streets of Lusaka. The Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Catholic Cathedral of the Child Jesus, Trinity United Church of Zambia, and St. Ignatius Catholic Church began together with an ecumenical prayer service on the Courthouse steps. We read the story of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, choirs from each congregation sang, and then we followed the UCZ Boys Brigade brass band into the streets, waving huge palm branches and singing.
Each congregation’s members peeled off from the group upon reaching their respective places of worship. We worshiped at the Anglican Cathedral, hearing the story of Christ’s passion and sharing communion. We were pleased to be found by Nancy Collins in the procession! She is the PC(USA) Regional Liaison for Southeastern Africa, and lives in Lusaka. We processed together and sat together for worship and then enjoyed a time of fellowship over lunch.
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