Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Preaching Maundy Thursday & Good Friday

We were still in Lusaka, doing a TEEZ tutors training during Holy Week at UCZ St. Bartholomew Congregation. They had prayer services each evening. They asked me (Molly) to preach and serve communion on Maundy Thursday. The lights went out just before I was about to say the words of institution. It was very dramatic. Fortunately, I was at the point in the service where I have the rest memorized. Also, within 30 seconds, the room was full of pinpoints of light from everyone's cellphones. We served everyone (perhaps 600 people or more) by the light of candles and cellphones. Definitely a night to remember!

We had a very good Good Friday- Ryan was invited to preach that morning. We enjoyed the service, Ryan preached a great sermon, and then we said official farewells. They gave us several gifts-- money for fuel and water as we travel back. And they also gave me a necklace & bracelet and earrings! I've been getting lots of gifts like that lately--people like to dress me! in clothes and jewelry. I think Ryan is a little jealous. I asked if he wanted to get a necklace and earrings, he said, "no, but a chitenge shirt would be nice!" :) The church fed us again, lunch after the morning service, then we went to the Lusaka market where I bought Ry some chitenge material to have a shirt made for him. Then we rested the rest of the day, including going to the movies and a nice dinner with Rev. Banda. It was a really nice treat. Saturday we drove back to Kitwe (5+ hours drive, plus stops) just in time for Easter... (coming soon!)

UCZ St. Bartholomew in Lusaka

Ryan preaching at UCZ St. Bartholomew in Lusaka. Rev. Banda is translating.

The congregation listening to Ryan's Good Friday sermon.

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