Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome to the world, Daniel Dalitso!

Daniel Dalitso, at 3 weeks old.

Align CenterCharity, Ryan, and Dalitso

Our friend and "house-help," Charity, has recently had couple new additions to her household. Her husband, Harry's niece, Naomi, came to live with them after her parents died in Malawi. She was pregnant, and gave birth on March 10 to a beautiful baby boy. We were away in Ndola at the time, but when we returned, Charity informed us that the family wanted us to name the baby! It is customary in Zambian culture for friends or family to name a newborn, rather than the parents. We were incredibly honored. We chose to give him a Biblical name and an African name: Daniel Dalitso (dalitso means “blessing” in Chewa, the language Naomi spoke in Malawi).

We didn't have our camera along the first time we met him & gave him his name. Molly also got to give him a bath that evening. So these pictures are from last week, before we departed for Kabwe. Dalitso came to see us off at the filling station! He has very long fingers and big feet--we predict he will be very tall. He also has lots of soft, curly hair. He is already growing very fast and looks like he will soon be growing out of his 0-3 months clothes.

Please keep Dalitso and the whole family in your prayers.

Charity, Molly, Dalitso, and Naomi (Dalitso's mother)

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